Tuesday, May 02, 2023

Celestial Arts of the Outer Bodies (GLoG classes)

The following set of Delta class templates were the conceptual brainchild of theisticgilthoniel over at From the Pilgrims Temple. I just finished up some bits and got to post it.

This was a lot of fun to work on and I really like the final piece.

 Jovian Arts

Δ: Be selected as an heir of the Art by a dying practitioner. If they had at least a B template in the Art, they can select 2. Only the most recent selections count, and the A template can only be gained when they are dead.

A: Your voice functions as a magical command when you use any sort of imperative directed at one subject. While things like priests, kings, and natural phenomena have no innate defense against this effect, trying it would probably not be wise. If they receive a contradictory order from another Jovian Artist or Rightful Authority, the most recent successful command is followed.

B: When in a crowd, you can speak the word that stirs up madness. What they do is determined by their prior disposition. If its unclear, Roll 2d6: higher than 7 and they begin to party with ecstasy and reckless abandon, lower than 7 and they froth with a collective rage towards the nearest power. If its 7 exactly, they are too dang boring and make mild jabs a jeer at you.

While Jovian Artists are not solitary in terms of normal society, you'll never find two practicing Jovian Artists in one area. Normally heirs are trained to use their powers responsibly, and keep secret from authority figures. Sometimes they work as chancellors. Some kings possess this art, and they are never so secretive or careful about their heirs.

Saturnine Arts

Δ: On a significant liminal day (equinoxes, solstices, first day of calendar year, first day of harvest, leap day, etc.), be brought back from death or near death.

A: You have a sense for architecture and ruin. You can tell where a structure will break first (or next), and whether that destruction is imminent. You can also tell how long ago a structure collapsed. Once per month, you can dictate a time within that month for a target structure to collapse in the manner foretold (which can be as soon as Immediately).

B: You grow a second stomach or crop in which things can be stored. You can read all languages which have no living speakers. You can dictate instead that a structure will not collapse for a month.

Saturnine artists also tend to be solitary. They often find work as soothsayers, of the morose variety. There are a good amount of potential Saturnine artists who never develop the art, since its not generally pleasant to feel the imminent ruin of all human endeavors, and its sometimes viewed as a type of witchcraft. It was viewed more favorably in the past, and lots of old saturnine monasteries are littered about. They're ruins of course.

Uranian Arts

Δ: Cripple a limb and have it amputated  by a Uranian Artist.

A: You never count as surprised. You can walk on any 2 limbs, and can cartwheel as fast as running. Your missing limb hangs on in an astral form, and can interact only with adamant.

B: You have instinctual knowledge of: the names of anyone you see depicted in art, the names of any star you can see with the naked eye, and the precise date and time. Given 10 minutes to focus on breathing, you can at any one time afterwards expel a thick fog that fills small rooms, or a light fog that fills large rooms. 

Uranian Artists travel in small groups of no more than three. Often artists in the modern sense, composing rhyme and putting pen to paper, they also have a keen eye for emotion. Few ruined monasteries exist in the highest reaches of the region, but for these artists it is forbaden to visit them, though none who remain know why.

Neptunian Arts

Δ: Be swept away by the sea's currents, find solace in delirium and survive.

A: Your legs stand wide and proud. Nothing can knock you off your feet save removing them from your body. You can feel sunken artifacts in the earth that covers them.

B: You can call down a horrible storm, powerful enough to devastate a city, by announcing doom from its highest point for a week uninterrupted. You can walk without ceasing, marching even when your body stops moving.

Neptuniann Artists revel in the lost and lose themselves frequently. To recover, learn, and return to it's resting place, is the cycle that they walk. All lost civilizations were buried by a Neptunian Artist.

Plutonian  Arts

Δ: Breathe in the sacred poison until unconsciousness takes hold. Make it back with as little Madness as you like.

A: Your tongue is a sword, in both the literal and metaphorical sense. Those you kill with it are temporarily raised as puppets you can speak through until their rot gives them away.

B: You can declare that someone will die within the month, and they will. The more impact the person has, the more impact their death will bring: The death of a monarch will be accompanied by a great upheaval, such as a flourishing sweep of a conquering empire.

Often seen as ill omens, Plutonian Artists tend to hide their true nature behind lies and ciphers. They are frequently kept as courtiers, though never willingly. It is common, though not constant, for heirs of the art to be initiated unwillingly.

Thursday, November 17, 2022

Paired Stats: Using Stats for Multiple Purposes.

 I'm gonna detail the process of how I've been dealing with ability scores for the past few years and put it all in one place I can point back to, because I've had a decent number of discussions about it at this point.

The core of the system, is to have a stat which can be beneficial on either end of the axis. A good visual example of this would be a Size stat.

  • When your Size stat is big, so are you.
  • When your Size stat is small, you are too.
You could make this function as a single attribute, one that you test in order to do big person things, which small people can't do as well (because they're not big).However, this can also test another aspect of your character: how good they are at doing small person things.

The easiest way to model this is with the following relationship:
  • When trying to do a big person thing, roll under your Size score.
  • When trying to do a small person thing, roll over your Size score.
These kinds of stats represent your character in very clear ways, for some examples that aren't Size:
  • Barachus the Barbarian  has a very high Will score of 16, this means he is very independently minded and proud, but maybe finds it hard to connect with others.
  • Lorena the warrior has a less than average Will score of 6, this means she is somewhat easily swept away by fads, and finds it somewhat easy to relate to others through shared experiences.

Handling Derivatives

Many systems operate under a basis of "derived stats" which are pulled from your base stats, which is something that would be difficult to model using stats in this way. So how do you deal with that?

An anydice comparison between standard stat distributions, and generic derived stat distributions.

The easiest way to do it, I think, is to declare the intent of any given derived stat to one aspect of each of your stats. That was a bad way to put it though, what I mean by that is this:
  • Hitting people and making it hurt is something Big people are good at, so instead of an attack stat, you can simply roll under your Size score to make an attack.
  • Avoiding people is something Small people are good at, so instead of a stealth stat, you can roll over your Size score to hide from someone.
  • Assuredness in self is something Proud people are good at, so instead of a Save stat, you can roll under your Will score to subvert your fate by force of will.
  • Understanding of people's motives is something Understanding people are good at, so instead of an initiative stat, you can roll over your Will stat to act first when a negotiation becomes a fight.
There might be a better way to do this, but it's generally easy to apply things to one aspect or another of a given axis.

The Glaring Issue That I hate but Deal With Anyways

Here's the chance a character with a perfectly average and normal Size stat of 10  has to do a big person thing:
  • 50%
Now here's the chance they have to do a small person thing:
  • 55%
Where the hell did that come from?
Well, I'll try and model this with a little diagram, please bear with me.
Because the number 10 is included regardless of whether you're rolling over or under, rolling over will add an extra 5% chance of success to the roll. This still plays nice overall, as the inverse is true for the number 11, both of which are the most likely results of a 3d6 distribution. It does, however, mean that no character will ever have a perfect 50-50 chance of success at a given task.

That's everything I have to say for now.

Thursday, October 27, 2022

Practice of the Elusive Hound

    Casters who practice of the elusive hound come from a mono-theistic kingdom to the west of the archipelago, and act as the priestly sect of that kingdom. They journey out beyond their kingdom to proselytize to those they view as worshipping djinn, an "evil" long ago eradicated from their lands. Their efforts are, however earnest, fruitless as their river god's influence only reaches as far as the sea before it is swallowed.

    The spirits they control tend to take the form of dogs, they are called forth with a whistle or a wave of the hand before darting out from down low to their target. These spirits come from the souls of their dead across the sea, but are much easier to come by among the isles of the archipelago.
    Smokewater is considered sacred to them, it is a drug that is used to tame spirits, and they can quickly grow impudent if not sourced with it. In appearance, it looks like dark inky water, and holds most of the same properties as regular water, but does not wet that which it touches and leaves the throat dry and wanting.

  1. Cannot cast without carrying smokewater on your person.
  2. Astral projection is performed by staring into water which obscures its bottom.
  3. Wear foreign clothes of rich blue, supplemented by gold jewelry.
  4. Must not eat of any creature of the water.

Starting Equipment: A gourd filled with smokewater, Incense, Censer.

  1. Weakness - Pick [Dice] of the following effects: Target cannot stand, Target cannot raise arms to strike, target can not heal through any means, target must test under their Build to briefly open their eyes. Lasts until the caster ends it or loses sight of the target.
  2. Darkness -An area of a 5 meter radius centered on any target within sight of the caster is treated as [dice] steps darker than previously. Any fires in the radius are snuffed in a breath of air.
  3. Fetch - Retrieves an item that can be held in hand  from up to [sum]x5 feet in front of you, anybody already holding the item gets a save to resist letting it go.
  4. Animate Object: You imbue [dice] equipment slots worth of inanimate objects with a spirit of sentience, and can give them a command of up to [sum] words long. Lasts until the command is finished or the caster ends it. If you choose to, you can remove the spell from your character sheet and imbue the object with complete sentience.
  5. Relay Scent - Your spirit can pick up on any scents within [dice] miles or dungeon rooms of you. If at least two dice are invested, you can pick a particular direction.
  6. Forget Me, Not - Target will assume that all events from the last [dice] minutes, were simply part of a dream. As long as nothing shatters that belief, it stays that way.
  7. Necrography - Target corpse answers [dice] questions you ask it. These answers come from the flesh and  relate to experiences such as food, pain, or adrenaline responses.
  8. Black Hand - Pick [dice] of the following options, you can select an option twice: One arm becomes invisible, along with any small handheld object, one large handheld object becomes invisible.
    These invisible limbs and objects are replaced with a regular arm doing any action you choose for it to do.
Started thinking about how I want to do pinnacles and decided I'd rather have them be a list shared by the entire casting class.
Before this class gets posted, there'll be an updated version of the Soulcaster that includes them.

Monday, September 19, 2022

GLoG Class: Struggler

The following is an adaptation of the Avenger class made by Hasturtimesthree over in the GLoG server on discord. Check it out if you haven't and maybe say hi if you do.

Starting Equipment

[A]: Target, Background, Collateral

[B]: Grit, Commit

[C]: Spirit of Vengeance

[D]: Mastery of Determination


Choose someone who unjustly wronged you; they should be powerful enough that it may take years to achieve revenge. You may choose multiple targets, if you so desire.


Choose or roll to see how you were wronged, and gain the selected skill:

Imprisonment: Stealth - You can vanish from the scene at any time, only to appear as if 

from nowhere at an opportune moment.

Murder: Scrutiny - You can always tell when someone harbors ill-will towards you.

Slander: Rumor-sniffing - while gathering rumours, either through corroboration

 and communication, you can remove 1d3 false rumours at random.

Marooning: Navigation - No matter where you are, you always know your bearing to 

one specific location.

Exploitation: Scrounging - If you dig around for 10 minutes, you can always find a

substitute, makeshift, or jury-rigged basic tool that’ll last one use.

Abuse: Deception - As long as you speak around the truth, nobody will ever

suspect you may have misled them.


Record the names of those you unjustly harm in the course of your vengeance, and how.

Once your vengeance is complete, lose all your Struggler templates (except your [D] template), as you no longer need them, and roll 1d20. If the result is greater than the number of collateral casualties you have recorded, nothing happens. Otherwise, the corresponding Collateral casualty is now a Struggler, targeting you, with half your XP. If this is implausible, choose another such. If they are dead, then they in fact miraculously survived.


You  can go without sleep or food for a number of days equal to your Build score before collapsing from exhaustion.


Before making an attack roll, you can call a result on the Hit Location Table, if you roll the called result, you can make a second attack for free against the same target.

Spirit of Vengeance

You attract the attention of a random Angel, they may occasionally help you achieve your vengeance free of charge, but more often they’ll ask a price. They will be inherently manipulative and deceptive with their goals. If you wish, you may add them to your Targets, and they will be none the wiser.

Mastery of Determination

Over the course of a downtime, you achieve a breakthrough in some field. Perhaps you achieved mastery as a duelist, or learned powerful magic. Choose any template from another available class or come up with one of your own, and gain its benefits.

Saturday, March 19, 2022

Single Template Classes

As I've toyed around with the idea of classes with less than four templates, I've had the idea in the back of my mind about using classes that are only a single template. There are a few ways that can be done, such as the Animal People made by Deus ex Parabola. The way I've been thinking about using them however, is as a little surprise. Maybe you touched something you shouldn't have, or played around in a place where once was cast fell magics. Maybe something touched you while you were there, and now it's waiting inside until it's time for it to say hello.


Maybe it was that weird eyeless fish you ate last week, but you've started feeling a little funny. It's a bit harder to keep food down, your muscles always seem to be sore, and that's besides the chronic ticks you've started to develop. It almost feels like something's crawling under your skin at night, maybe you've started to realize something's infected you.

[A]: Parasitism, Flight Instinct


You are a body made host by a colony of parasitic worms, manipulating your muscles and actions. 
At any time, as long as theirs's an unconscious body nearby, you can choose to move the colony to a new body. This is a horrific display, and will no doubt kill the current host if they're not already dead, but you get to reroll your Build score.

Flight Instinct

You can give a few helpful parasites to a friend in order to "Help a friend out". If the individual ever loses control of their body, the parasites can move them out of harm's way, usually by fleeing the location. For every week somebody spends with a parasite in them, roll an x-in-6 where x is the number of weeks they've had the parasites, if the result is less, make a note that they are Infected. Upon their next level up, they gain the Infected template. Parasites can usually be removed by selectively applying poisons to the body, assuming one knows they're present.


Maybe you got pricked by a weird needled tube in the bottom floor of the dungeon, or swallowed a mouthful of the salty green liquid in the big old vat. Whatever caused it, it's set your blood boiling, and you feel more charged up than ever.

[A]: Life-blood, Sulfur's Animus


Your blood runs green and much hotter than it used to. If let out of the body it'll give off a temperature about equal to a campfire for up to an hour. Your body gives off an ambient warmth about equivalent to a candle in distance and intensity.

Sulfur's Animus

Your new blood wasn't meant to be blood, it was an energy source for a star-killing super-weapon, until you stole it. You can focus the energy into a devastating blast which vaporizes most objects and structures immediately surrounding you. Each time you use this ability, you lose 1d3 inventory slots as your internals seize up and your body fails.

Wednesday, December 01, 2021

Pacts and Spirits: Giving Up Your Self for Power

 I'd been thinking about how I wanted to go about adding warlocks to Destination:Nowhere for a little while, because I wanted to base it on the kinds of pacts made in ChainsawMan, which doesn't lend itself to a four template class format very well.

And so, in favour of flavour, I've decided to go about it in a different way. Every game needs a way to get neat powers outside classes anyways, right?

First we need to reestablish some things about the world, and how spirits operate.


Souls are the most common kinds of spirits, they drift around, doing whatever souls do, mostly invisible to humans. They are the spark that sets a forest ablaze, or the mote of wind whistling through the crags. By inhabiting a flesh sack, a soul can grant it sentience, it's own will and determination. It is through a common ritual imbuing that gibbering babies learn to form words. Humans, of course, are not the only species able to gain this sentience, but they most commonly possess it. It is also possible to lose your soul, and in turn lose what makes you unique, this is how men are driven to become like wild beasts, relinquishing their self.

In contrast, it is also possible to tether additional souls to your own, by doing this, you can send out these other souls to perform feats of magic. However, if you're not careful, you may allow another soul to domineer it's will over your body, altering your self along with it.


Guardians are the more rare spirits. They're more powerful, and choose to inhabit parts of the world, such as mountains, forest groves, or rivers. They manifest themselves from the land they inhabit, and gain followers from nearby souls. The will of a guardian spirit can manifest through the wills of their followers; thus, by garnering a large enough following, guardians can increase their power, influence, and domain, sometimes even putting themselves over other guardian spirits.

By choosing to imprint a larger part of a guardian spirit's will on your self, you can manifest aspects of that spirit. This is known as a pact. Any person may choose to accept a pact, though it is just as easy to be coerced or forced into taking one. If any person goes against the will established in a pact however, the consequences are often quite severe, often result in death or the loss of your soul.


There's one more class of spirits, known as angels. Angels inhabit celestial bodies, and thus rarely affect the goings on of those on Maamilla, both the name of the planet as well as the common name of it's angel. Angels imprint their will on entire celestial bodies, and thus it can be said that anything which comes from the earth, or rather all life, is a part of Maamilla. The natural instincts of this life are how Maamilla's will expresses itself, in order to keep its dwelling alive.


A pact can be made with a guardian spirit or, more rarely, an angel. By letting the more powerful entity in on your Self, it influences aspects of your outward and inward appearance. Those imprinted by a spirit often show some physical trait of the spirit that controls them, and have parts of their personality affected by that spirits Will.
It is not uncommon to see entire villages which are under the influence of a guardian spirit, who may help protect them from attacks, as well as helping their livelihoods.

Domains: Cultivation, Burials, Vines.
Mark: shows as a hole peering into a hollow cavity in the forehead, looking inside it will show a weirdly distant rattling skull.
Gift: You don't require water to survive however, the longer you go without it, the more dried up you appear.
If you go a month without drinking water, you gain a permanently dried up appearance, and look not unalike to a hollow dried gourd in the shape of a man.
Imprint: You hate animals and they hate you. They'll either be violent towards you or give you a wide berth. If interrogated they will state that you smell like oppression, this is true and you are at least a little more tyrannical than you were before making this deal.

Domains: Flowing Water, Smooth Stones, Farewells.
Mark: bright blue eyes which glow mildly in darkness.
Gift: You are incapable of drowning in water so long as it isn't stagnant.
Imprint: You forgo your name and Important belongings, no bond is permanent, and you can stay in no land forever.

Domains: Obsidian, Slumber, Dying Flames
Mark: Forearms that appear blackened and charred beginning from about halfway down the arm.
Gift: You are not harmed by reaching your arms into fire. The rest of your body and possessions are more than capable of burning up.
Imprint: After a significant achievement or victory, you must surrender an object of value to the fire. Apathy and inactivity is against your nature now.

Thursday, September 09, 2021

UPDATED: GLoG Wizard Chassis: the Soulcaster

Starting Gear: Ceremonial Garb (identifies you as a soulcaster), knife, birdcage.

[A]: Tethered Souls, Spells +1 MD

[B]: Soul Vision, +1 MD

[C]: Spiritual Shunting, Astral Travels +1 MD

[D]: Vomit Soul, +1 MD

Tethered Souls

You can tether additional souls to your body, allowing you to cast them as spells. You begin play with two spells from your school. nd generate both it's spirit score and personality.


You get a list of spells determined by your school, with the last two being Pinnacle Spells. Whenever you gain a new spell-soul, roll 1d6 and consult your school's spell list. Whenever a spell is gained from the list, remove it and move all spells on the list ahead of it down by one. You begin play knowing two of the spells from this list.

You cast spells with a number of dice called Magic Dice, or MD. A level one Soulcaster begins play with one MD. You can invest as many MD into a spell as you currently have. Each time a spent MD rolls a 3-6, it is depleted for the day and can no longer be used.

Whenever you roll doubles, The spell-soul you just cast moves to hating you. It will still serve you as it's bound to you. If the number of spell-souls that hate you outnumber those that don't, they will stage a coup, causing you to lose half of your spells, determined randomly. After a coup they become content again.
You can choose to do a favor for a spell-soul that currently hates you, which usually involves you suffering in some way, to bring it back into the realm of contentment.

Soul Vision

You can see the souls inside living beings. This allows you to see whether or not a creature has a soul, as well as allowing you to see where an invisible being would be.
Additionally, you can pick up on small markings within wildlife areas that tell you when you're in a Guardian Spirit's territory.

Spiritual Shunting

You can shift unwanted curses or pacts onto the spirits who are tethered to you, make sure to keep track of these. If a spirit with curses or pacts placed on it has taken you over, you regain any of those attached afflictions. Additionally, if a spell-soul of yours breaks a pact you have made, they are affected by that pact. It should go without saying that using this effect on one of your spell-spirits will cause them to hate you.

Astral Travels

You can choose to enter the astral realm in whatever way your practice allows you to, bringing you to a cosmic realm wherein the true forms of spirits reside. Your Spell-Souls guide you on this journey, with all that implies. In this realm, it can be far easier to seek out and speak with particular spirits, even from great distances.

Vomit Soul

You gain the ability to cast your own soul out of your body. This takes the form of one of this class' Pinnacle Spells, chosen at random. Each time you do this, there is a 1-in-6 chance one of the other souls you have tethered to yourself will take control over your body, this chance increases by one for each spell-soul you have that actively hates you. When this happens, you gain that spell's Spirit score and personality.

Pinnacle Spell List (1d6)

  1.  Deluge - An area of [dice] mile radius centered on yourself receives heavy rain for [dice] days. If cast with one [die], clouds gather over the course of [least] days, to steadily rain on the target area for the duration. If cast with two, clouds hurry to the area on sudden winds over [least] hours. If cast with three, the clouds are visibly dragged across the sky within [least] minutes. Casting with four [dice] will cause you to vomit out dark storm clouds which form immediately, and the duration is extended to [sum] days.
  2. Fireball - An explosion is called at a point [sum] feet from the caster that has a [dice]*5 foot radius. Any creatures caught within the explosion immediately incurs a Serious wound. Breakable structures are blasted away.
  3. Love and Death - If [sum] exceeds the caster's Spirit score, the target is killed, and their spirit is stolen by the caster. If [sum] does not exceed the caster's Spirit score, the target gains a Serious wound.
  4. Mighty Wind - You expel a powerful blast of wind. At one [die], it's powerful enough to knock a bird out of the sky. At two [die], it's powerful enough to knock a person off their feet. At three [die], it's powerful enough to knock an elephant off their feet or lift a person [sum] feet backwards in the air. At four [die], it's powerful enough to (temporarily) knock spirits out of their vessels.
  5. Untamed Soul - Your vessel cracks and your spirit spills out into a radius of [dice]*10 feet centered on your body. [sum] spirits in the radius must be devoured and erased permanently, this can include your own spell-spirits; you can choose to remove one [dice] from the pool to determine this [sum] to instead devour a Guardian spirit in this way. If a living creature's spirit is devoured in this way, it becomes a mindless beast.
  6. Raise Earth - You lift an area of up to [dice] miles out of the ground. At one [die], this will create a sandbar or hill. At two [die], it creates a rocky atoll or a large hill. At three-to-four [die], this will create an island or mountain.

Friday, July 02, 2021

Regurgitative alchemist (GLoG Class)

Starting Gear: mortar and pestle, chalk, jar of snake venom, Prepared components for 1 potion.

[A]: Extra Stomachs, Esophigeal Reaction
[B]: The Path to the Heart is the Stomach
[C]: Smoke Tricks, Eureka

Extra Stomachs - You have three extra stomachs, each of which can hold two negligable items. As you swallow, you can choose which stomach(s) the swallowed items go to. Items can only leave a stomach by choosing to regurgitate the full contents of a given stomach. Nothing that is left in your stomachs will affect you in any way unless left in overnight; in which case they will be digested, with all that entails.

Esophigeal Reaction - By regurgitating certain components at the same time, you can belch out a cloud, which effects a 3m diameter circle, with you at the back of it. The effect lasts 1d6 rounds.

The Path to the Heart is the Stomach - Whenever you would gain any number of fatal wounds. You can instead choose to permanently lose 1 stomach and immediately stabilize.

Smoke Tricks - You can now change the shape of your belch, choosing what areas it affects, as long as the cloud stays within a 3m radius of your person.

Eureka: - You have a stroke of genius, and can, as a player, create your own Reaction.


1. Breath of Life

    Components - bone-dry twig, aged feces

Sprouts up bushes and local flora in the area, as well as boosting growth in existing flora dramatically. If there is already local plant life in the area, it becomes impassible until cleared out.

2. Aspect of the serpent

    Components - A snake fang, psychedelic mushroom

Intelligent creatures within the cloud must save or begin mindlessly wriggling along the ground while sticking their tongues out.

3. Rising Sun

    Components - a salt rock, wet earth, bird eye

A wave of intense heat is felt a moment before the affected area is ungulfed in an explosion. Anyone in the area immediately rolls wounds.

4. Transposition

    Components - brimstone , pine resin, nightshade

A cloud of ash envelopes the area, switch places with anybody in the cloud.

5. Irritation

     Components - burnt wood, poison ivy, oil

Dramatically increases the amount of irritants in the surrounding air, causing coughing, choking, and a burning sensation in those who inhale it.

6. Sucking Sands

    Components - driftwood, fish eye, baked clay
The area becomes malleable and wet. Creatures and objects touching surfaces in the area begin to fold into the surface, making it difficult to get out. Eventually a creature left inside the area will be pulled in fully and suffocate.

Saturday, May 15, 2021

Reverse-Oddomatic Combats

    This post will be detailing a combat system I will be dubbing: "reverse oddomatic"; which isn't technically accurate, butbit almost makes sense.

    Combat in this system has two phases: the attack roll, and the injury roll. The attack roll actually ends up being a standard stat roll, which will be detailed in an upcoming post on character generation, if it is succeeded, or if the player fails their dodge roll, they either deal or are dealt a hit.

    For each hit they receive, they gain an injury. the severity and location of that injury is determined by rolling on the following tables:

Location (1d6)
1.     Arm
2.     Leg
3-4. Torso
5-6. Head

Severity (1d6)        Modifier        Recovery
1. Cosmetic                +0              Overnight
2-4. Minor                  +1               1 week
5-7. Serious                +2             1 month + medical attention.
8. Fatal                        -                You're dead :(

    The severity roll is modified  by two things: armor, which reduces the severity by 3; and active wounds, which increase it as according to the severity table. An active wound is any wound which has not yet healed, and they stack.

    Yes, it's deadly, that is one way in which I draw the similarity to oddomatic combats, in that combat ends rather quickly. But it keeps a few things I like, namely, the ability to put a dodge roll in my games.
    Additionally, combat has lasting consequences. It can put out a character for anywhere from a week to a month in game. If a character goes into a fight without armor, their first hit could leave them out for some time. This puts it in a much less desirable position than other forms of resolving conflicts.

    As usual for my posts about homebrew rules and whatnot, I will end with my disclaimer about it being pure theorycraft that should only be implemented with utmost personal discretion.

Wednesday, April 07, 2021

The Devouring Gourd

 When somebody has taken on a pact from the Great Gourd, they become marked by him. This mark takes the form of a dark cavity in the individual's forehead. Other acolytes of the Gourd will recognize this mark, and generally react at the very worst neutrally to any person bearing it.

On death, however, a curious process takes place on one marked by the Great Gourd. Their body doesn't decay, rather, it hardens and begins to change in shape to a form more pleasing to the Gourd. as this happens, the opening on the forehead of the deceased begins to grow into a gaping maw, and a Devouring Gourd is born.

I'm starting to draw stuff too!

Devouring Gourd

HD 8 Attack Swallow, Seed Sputter, Squash Defense 2 Move 8 Morale -* Save 16

Swallow The Devouring Gourd chooses up to three spaces around it at random, slamming the top of it's neck onto it and swallowing the first object it catches in this way.

Seed Sputter The Devouring Gourd flails it's neck about wildly, flinging large seeds out from the hole on the end of it, and dealing 2d6 damage to anything within 20 meters of it.

Squash The Devouring Gourd  springs it's legs and leaps 10 meters in any direction, dealing 4d8 damage to whatever it lands on, and pushing back anything else nearby.

*Behavior Devouring Gourds are completely mindless, they are hollowed out husks fueled by the Great Gourds destructive rage, as such, many of their actions are decided on a whim as they flail about breaking things. This can be modeled by deciding it's actions through dice rolls. This makes it a dangerous opponent for players to fight, as there is no real reason for it to do anything, and approaching it to attack is a gamble.

Farewell and may the Gourd be with you.