I'm gonna detail the process of how I've been dealing with ability scores for the past few years and put it all in one place I can point back to, because I've had a decent number of discussions about it at this point.
The core of the system, is to have a stat which can be beneficial on either end of the axis. A good visual example of this would be a Size stat.
- When your Size stat is big, so are you.
- When your Size stat is small, you are too.
- When trying to do a big person thing, roll under your Size score.
- When trying to do a small person thing, roll over your Size score.
- Barachus the Barbarian has a very high Will score of 16, this means he is very independently minded and proud, but maybe finds it hard to connect with others.
- Lorena the warrior has a less than average Will score of 6, this means she is somewhat easily swept away by fads, and finds it somewhat easy to relate to others through shared experiences.
Handling Derivatives
- Hitting people and making it hurt is something Big people are good at, so instead of an attack stat, you can simply roll under your Size score to make an attack.
- Avoiding people is something Small people are good at, so instead of a stealth stat, you can roll over your Size score to hide from someone.
- Assuredness in self is something Proud people are good at, so instead of a Save stat, you can roll under your Will score to subvert your fate by force of will.
- Understanding of people's motives is something Understanding people are good at, so instead of an initiative stat, you can roll over your Will stat to act first when a negotiation becomes a fight.
The Glaring Issue That I hate but Deal With Anyways
- 50%
- 55%