Monday, August 17, 2020

Rainforest Creatures - Ccoa, Suuri Snail, and Jokaihdin


HD 5 Attack 1d10 lightning (1d6 burst) Defense 2 Move 15, fly 24 Morale 16 Save 15

Lightning The lightning selects a random target among creatures or certain objects within a 10 meter radius of the Ccoa, dealing burst damage to all creatures surrounding the target.

Hailstorm As it moves, the Ccoa drops hail behind it dealing 1d4 damage to creatures it hits.

Description Grey cats with fluffy tails and slightly oversized heads. When threatened, they turn into dark, grey stormclouds with yellow eyes piercing through.

Suuri Snail

HD 5 Attack Rasp 1d8 Defense 6 Move 4 Morale 5 Save 14

Rasp On a hit, deals 1d8 as normal, but on a miss, reduces the attacked creatures AC by 1.

Acidic Touch The suuri snail can choose to use it's turn to excrete a layer of acid on it's skin which deals 1d4 damage to anything touching the suuri snail's foot.

Stasis By sealing itself in it's shell, the suuri snail becomes inert and temporarily immune to damage until it leaves stasis. If it's shell is broken through during this time, the suuri snail's foot will be sucked out of the hole created.

Description A massive terrestrial snail with an oblong shell. It is predatory, eating either other gastropods or if necessary, plants. They follow a migratory pattern to look for food which is used by some as a transportation method.


HD 6 Attack Bite 1d10 (4 meter reach), Tail 1d6 (3 meter reach) Defense 4 Move 12, 8 swim Morale 15 save 11

Inflate The two flaps situated at the sides of the jokaihdin's neck can be inflated, allowing the jokaihdin to float if need be, but also as a defensive measure to both intimidate and move potential attackers away from it. While it's neck is inflated like this, it cannot use it's bite attack.

Description A sauropod dinosaur with flaps of skin hanging from it's neck and sides. It walks along the riverbed with it's neck held above the water.

Sunday, August 09, 2020

Rainforest Creatures - Quetzalcoatl, Famocantratra, and Vukilpikon

 Took a bit of an unannounced hiatus, it was largely due to moving, job changes, and trying to get back into the swing of things. Basically, I've been too busy and this is what I chose to drop temporarily. Anyways, here's 3 more creatures from the encounter table.


HD 3 Attack Venomous Bite 1d6+1d4 every hour Defense 2 Move 15 flight, 10 slither Morale 7 Save 8

Quetzalcoatls use hit and run tactics. The feathered snakes fly in from above and attack a targeted creature before swooping away and waiting for it's prey to die. During this time they will follow from a safe distance in the canopy.

Healthy Venom If the venom can be extracted from either a wound or directly from the source, it can be distilled into a healing potion (1d4).


HD 1 Attack Locking Bite 1d4+1 each round Defense 2 Move 15 Morale 17 Save 6

Famocantratras are small lizards which adhere to the sides of trees with their broad, leaf shaped tails. Once a creature moves nearby, they will leap over to attack them.

Locking Bite Once the famocantratra has attacked a creature, it will remain attached to that creature dealing 1 damage each round after the first. Once attached, the famocantratra cannot be removed except by cutting off the flesh it is attached to (dealing 1d6 damage) or through magical means.


HD 7 Attack Bite 2d8, Crush 1d8+pinned Defense 6 Move 18 swim, 10 walk Morale 5 Save 15

Vukilpikons are massive spiky turtles which lurk in shallow water, camouflaged to look like rocks with their snorkel-like noses providing them with oxygen. They sense vibrations in the water up to 50 meters.

Sucking Breath When the vukilpikon makes a bite attack while underwater, the opening of it's mouth creates a vacuum which drags any creatures within a 10 meter cone of it's mouth to be sucked into it's gaping maw. This should be telegraphed beforehand when players are at a safe distance if you don't want to cause a tpk.